The Cathedral

The Cathedral

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Office for Identity Collection

Office for Identity Collection- Populating Veduta: Contemporary Cityscapes

A film production translated to large-scale paintings.
CONTACT: Heather Cline

                                                   Inside the office for Identity Collection

Between June 1-7th , 2009, Mixed Media Artist Heather Cline in collaboration with Michele Sereda of ‘Curtain Razors’ created a performance piece that documented individual lives and culminated with a sweeping panoramic film shoot of the Cathedral Village neighbourhood.
Using a multi-media method, the artists (Michele Sereda and Heather Cline) collected brief stories and incidental information about people who live and work in the Cathedral neighbourhood at ‘The Office for Identity Collection’, at Mysteria Gallery in Regina Saskatchewan.

On Sunday June 7th, 2009, 13th Ave. was the site of the final ‘Citizens of Veduta’ performance, a large-scale film shoot, working in collaboration with Wolfsun Productions. Participants from the Identity Collection project were strategically placed along the length of 13th Ave. between Angus St. and Garnet St. and captured on film.

In the fall of 2010 the Art Gallery of Regina will feature an exhibition of these paintings. Created by mixed media artist Heather Cline, the works will include layers of text and photographic imagery that share some of the stories of the people who populate the cityscape. These works will have the visual impact of large-scale historic paintings with the added detail of the Veduta style-intricate depictions of city geography.